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Meet Mother Nature’s Wild Child: wildbrine #ExpoEast

An interview with Rick Goldberg, co-Owner, wildbrine.

GN: Why is the fermented food category exploding?

RG: Digestive wellness, a strong and long-lasting trend, has driven much of the category growth and is one key to the success of fermented foods. Consumers need to ‘feel comfortable inside’ and are increasingly opting for lactose- and gluten-free products. Fermentation also connects to the plant-based foods trend, with widespread consumer belief in ‘naturally functional,’ and the need to lower sugar intake. wildbrine delivers on both demands.

Visit wildbrine at booth #1551 during Natural Products Expo East.

GN: What’s wild about wildbrine?

RG: Three things, really. One is we prepare our products using wild fermentation, meaning we try to channel Mother Nature into helping us create delicious, nutritious, probiotic-rich sauerkraut, kimchi, sriracha and shots. Starting with fresh-picked cabbage from nearby California fields, we add salt and other vegetables and spices, letting this ancient preservation technique run its course, rather than using lab cultures at any time. Secondly, we’re fermented food innovators, creating flavors and products that are wildly delicious and often unexpected. Finally, we’re wildly committed to product quality and customer service, which according to those who work with us, speaks for itself.

GN: What’s so important about wild fermentation?
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RG: Studies have shown the link between probiotic-rich foods and overall well-being. Eating fermented foods introduces beneficial bacteria into your digestive system and then helps to balance the bacteria there. Naturally occurring probiotics have also been shown to help slow or reverse some diseases, improve bowel health, aid digestion and improve immunity.

Having the proper balance of gut bacteria and enough digestive enzymes helps absorption of more of the nutrients in food, what nutritionists refer to as ‘increased bio-availability.’ Supplements and vitamins become less important as consumers return to eating real food, which is considerably less artificially processed.

GN: What’s new with wildbrine?

RG: We’re introducing three new flavors, including Organic Mushroom & Turmeric Kraut, White Kimchi with Turmeric and Korean BBQ Kimchi. Not only are these products unusually delicious, they are on-trend, featuring additional ingredients with powerful nutritional properties: turmeric (anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant) and mushrooms (anti-inflammatory and immune boosting). We’ve also got a couple of undercover products we’re working on in the fermented foods category, but beyond the bounds of our existing product groups.