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October the Month to Celebrate Cheese, Glorious Cheese

The sixth annual American Cheese Month celebration kicks off October 1, with events and promotions taking place nationwide throughout the month. Launched by the American Cheese Society in 2011 to highlight the nation’s burgeoning artisan, farmstead, and specialty cheese industry, American Cheese Month is a celebration of the incredible quality and diversity of cheeses made by American producers.

The American Cheese Society will commemorate American Cheese Month in its hometown of Denver, Colorado, at the Great American Beer Festival, where more than 500 pounds of artisan and specialty cheese will be sampled to consumers alongside craft beer. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has also shown his support for American Cheese Month by issuing an official proclamation and publicly declaring that he is Pro-Cheese. Viewers can watch this video of Governor Hickenlooper, along with a series of Cheese Party campaign videos that offer a lighthearted take on this campaign season, on the American Cheese Society’s Vimeo site.

Nora Weiser, Executive Director of the American Cheese Society, said, “As more and more consumers seek out high quality, local foods, regional cheeses from around the country are growing a loyal following.” There are over 900 such cheesemakers in the U.S., and the quality of their cheeses is seen in the awards they garner around the world. “These cheesemakers are passionate, hard-working, and incredibly creative,” said Weiser. “It is an exciting time in this nation’s food scene, as the fruits of their labor are embraced so strongly.”

Revenue from sales of Cheese Party merchandise and select American Cheese Month events in October will support the nonprofit American Cheese Education Foundation. The Foundation is funding the first comprehensive survey of the U.S. artisan and specialty cheese industry.
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Anyone with a love for cheese is encouraged to participate in American Cheese Month. A dedicated website and events calendar offer ideas for cheesemakers, retailers, distributors, chefs, enthusiasts, and others to get involved. Cheese lovers can also network on the American Cheese Month Facebook page and share photos of their celebrations on Twitter (#AmCheeseMonth, @CheeseSociety, @theCheeseParty).

If you would like to hold an American Cheese Month event, or if you are interested in learning more about partnership opportunities, contact the ACS office: 720.328.2788 or

American Cheese Month is made possible with support from Gourmet Foods International.

2016 International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE) Returns With Its Biggest Show Ever

The 2016 International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE)—the largest and most comprehensive event in the Western Hemisphere for the grain-based food industry—returns to the Las Vegas Convention Center October 8-11, where 20,000+ bakery professionals with gather to network, learn and check out the latest innovations in baking supplies, ingredients and equipment from more than 900 leading manufacturers and suppliers covering more than 700,000 square feet of exhibit space.

“We’re excited for attendees and exhibitors alike to see what’s new at IBIE with programs that facilitate increased networking, more opportunities for hands-on learning and an endless supply of inspiration,” said Michael Cornelis, Chair of IBIE. “IBIE is proud to bring together all segments of the grain-based food industry. We’ve revamped old favorites and added some fresh, exciting features to the mix for 2016 to ensure everyone—whether their first time visitors or show veterans—has a truly exceptional experience.”

A host of stimulating new and returning features will create an even more engaging experience for attendees and exhibitors. Highlights include:

  • The All-American Tailgate serves as the official kick-off event, taking place on the opening night of IBIE, October 8 at 4:30 p.m., and provides an incredible opportunity for networking with key colleagues and suppliers from around the globe. Held right on the show floor, tickets include unlimited drinks, tailgate-style food, music, interactive games and, of course, sports on big screens.
  • The Idea LAB serves as a hive for innovation and includes the Innovation Spotlight Theater featuring a curated display of the industry’s latest advancements, as well as an “Ask the Experts” answer bar.
  • The Innovation Showcase brings the latest advancements to the forefront in a cutting-edge display in the convention center grand concourse.
  • IBIE has developed—in conjunction with the Global Gold Chain Alliance (GGCA)—a new pavilion on the show floor dedicated to cold storage solutions and innovations, as well as presenting warehouse, construction and transportation options.
  • The American Cake Decorating Demo Theater and The ONE Demonstration Theater by Revent feature free daily demos by celebrity chefs and big-name cooking pros showing off their skills and latest techniques, right on the show floor.

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An expanded educational program highlights the latest techniques and proven strategies for streamlining wholesale operations, improving product quality and increasing profits. The 90+ sessions are designed for professionals of all levels and backgrounds.

More than 20 new seminars will focus on the most relevant issues facing the industry today, featuring expanded content for upper management. This year’s speakers are well-known subject matter experts and business moguls that run the largest bakeries in the world, including Todd Hale, Lee Sanders and Ramon Rivera. as well as business moguls who run the largest bakeries in the world.

The education program begins on October 7, the day before the Baking Expo™ opens, with RPIA’s Business of Baking for Beginners seminar and the Tortilla Industry Association’s two-day Technical and Management Conference, which addresses operation skills, safety regulations, quality control, plant efficiency and best practices for the baking industry’s fastest growing market segment.

Education seminars at IBIE 2016 are organized into targeted tracks: AIB Technical, Retail, Bread Bakers Guild of America, International, Management, Sales & Marketing, Ingredients & Processes, Food Safety & Sanitation and Retail Hands-on (Cake & Pastry Decorating). Sessions are held daily from 8:30 a.m. to Noon and in the evening to give attendees plenty of time to explore the latest innovations on the Expo floor.

Popular returning features including: B.E.S.T. in Baking Program, The Great American Pie Festival, PMQ Pizza Village and RBA’s 15th Annual Pillsbury Bakers’ Plus Creative Decorating Competition.

For more information, or to register for IBIE 2016, visit

Unified Grocers CFO Mike Henn to Retire; Christine Neal Named New CFO

Unified Grocers, Inc.’s Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer Michael F. Henn will retire effective September 30. Effective October 1, Christine Neal will be promoted to the position of Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


Mike Henn joined Unified last October following the retirement of Richard J. Martin. “It’s been a privilege to work with a great management team that has accomplished so much in the past year to position the company for solid growth going forward,” he said. “While personal circumstances have driven my decision to step back from a full time role, I will continue to assist the company in a more limited capacity as it transitions to new financial leadership.”

“Unified was extremely fortunate to have Mike on the team to guide us through a period of transition and to set the financial foundations for the next phase of the company’s growth,” said Unified President and CEO Bob Ling. “I’m grateful that he will continue to support the company going forward. Mike has played an important role, and all of us at Unified wish him well.”

Christine Neal has agreed to defer her own planned retirement to accept the CFO role while the company commences a search process for the CFO position, providing a seamless transition for the financial management function of the company.

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“It’s an honor to take on the role of Chief Financial Officer at this important time in Unified’s history,” said Neal. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to play a larger role as we look to grow the business and enhance the success of our members.”

As CFO and Treasurer, Neal will be responsible for finance, accounting, information systems, internal audit (administrative responsibility) and strategic planning. She is also President of Unified’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Grocers Capital Company (GCC).

Neal joined Unified in 2003, and in her previous roles she was responsible for finance, treasury, strategic planning and human resources. Prior to the joining the company, Neal acquired a wide range of financial experience within the food industry, including serving for several years as a financial consultant to Unified. She also served as chief financial officer for the California Restaurant Association, the largest state restaurant and hospitality trade organization in the United States, and was controller for Gelson’s Markets, a premier upscale grocery retail chain in Southern California. Neal began her career at the Cincinnati office of Arthur Young & Company, where she worked for eight years as an accountant and audit manager.

Neal currently serves on the board of directors of the National Cooperative Bank. She has previously served on the board of directors of the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) and the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the American Red Cross. She earned her bachelor of science degree in accountancy and finance from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and is a certified public accountant.