By Lorrie Baumann
Breadeli is a new brand from Bakkavor, a British company that’s already familiar to American grocers who buy fresh prepared foods like hummus, burritos, meals and dips for their private labels. Although Bakkavor has heretofore been invisible to American consumers, it has decided to come out of the shadows with its Breadeli branded Rustic Flats. “We know that this product is fabulous; it resonates globally, and we wanted to bring it to the U.S.,” said Tanja Owen, Bakkavor Marketing Director.
It took Bakkavor two years of product development to tweak a product already a hit in the United Kingdom so that it would be a better fit both for American preferences in flavor profiles and for American shoppers who expect to see their breads in the bakery aisle. British shoppers expect to find breads that incorporate fresh ingredients in their grocer’s refrigerator case – the same place that Americans would look for fresh pasta, while Americans are used to buying products like Breadeli Rustic Flats on open shelves where they’re stored at ambient temperature, Owen said. “The shopping behaviors are quite different,” she observed. “We want to make sure that we deliver the best product we can to the American consumer – we wanted to get it into the bakery, where we knew the consumer already visited.”
The flavor profiles for the Breadeli Rustic Flats, based on Bakkavor’s consumer research in the U.S., are Basil Pesto, Original, Italian Herb, Roasted Tomato and Garlic Butter. The bread beneath the flavor toppings is a schiacciata, a relative of focaccia whose origins go back to 15-century Tuscany, according to Ed Metzger, Bakkavor Senior Director of Business Development. “In order to test the ovens, they’d take a chunk of dough and throw it onto the hearth of the oven,” he said. “It’s an almost instant bake on the hearth, and essentially, that’s what we’ve replicated in a modern fashion…. It’s a pristine deck with about 10 ingredients on each product offering – all ingredients that people would be familiar with. There are no artificial flavors and no preservatives.”
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The bread is shipped frozen from Bakkavor’s new 35,000 square-foot state-of-the-art bakery plant in Charlotte, North Carolina. It has a nine-month shelf life in the freezer, thaws in 20 minutes, and then has a five-day shelf life after thawing plus an additional two days for the consumer.
Bakkavor is supporting the roll-out, which will start on the East Coast, with both digital, social media and a variety of in-store marketing assets that will help to direct customers who are already in the store, where 70 percent of decisions on products are made, over to the bakery aisle, Owen said. “My goal as a marketer is to drive traffic to the bakery and to drive total bakery sales by driving Breadeli,” she said. “Marketing will be a big element. Sampling will be another key element because we believe that when people taste this, we’ve got them hooked.”
Taste Breadeli Rustic Flats at this year’s IDDBA Show, or for more information, visit
Warrell Creations, the private label and contract manufacturing segment of The Warrell Corporation, has added a new snack form to its portfolio of manufactured innovations.
Snack Bites are a combination of ancient grains, superfruits, nuts and seeds packed with a range of flavors, nutrients and allergy friendly foods. The Snack Bite is comprised of a center, followed by a coating and a nutrient packed topping. The choice of small solid centers includes milk protein isolates, dried fruits, roasted nuts, truffles or pretzel balls. After coating the center in nut butter, yogurt, dark chocolate or a high protein chocolate, the coated center is topped with multiple ancient grains or seeds. The toppings include coconut, millet, chia, chopped nuts or a range of seasonings. The net result is a high protein, better-for-you, indulgent Snack Bite. The 4-5g balls of condensed nutrition are configured into a poppable on-the-go package, positioning the Snack Bite to meet the consumer’s portable snacking needs.
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Over the last few years, single-cup coffee makers have gone mainstream and become a staple in offices and restaurants across the country. These popular machines use specially made capsules with pre-measured levels of coffee grounds in order to brew anywhere from a single cup to a whole carafe of fresh coffee. However, these capsules aren’t without drawbacks, and many sophisticated coffee drinkers are choosing new, soft coffee pods over traditional plastic capsules.
Soft pods are sweeping the nation because they incorporate traditional brew methods in their brewing process. Instead of harming the environment, the waste produced makes the world better.
Soft coffee pods require a brew mech that is specially molded to secure the pod during extraction, like Newco‘s CX Touch or Fresh Cup Touch. Soft coffee pods are designed to make one cup at a time, but are made with far fewer materials. Instead of a hard plastic shell, most pods are entirely made up of paper or silk, which is sealed in a foil packet to lock in freshness. Their flat, disc-like shape also increases the surface area for water to come into contact with the coffee grounds. This means more flavor and aroma is extracted from the grounds, improving the overall quality of each cup.
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Soft coffee pods are fully recyclable and even compostable. This means that the pods not only break down naturally, but also provide the surrounding soil with nutrients in the process. There are no plastic cups to throw away, or components to separate. In fact, there are several creative ways to dispose of your recyclable coffee pods and benefit the environment, such as tilling them into your garden or adding them to your compost bin. The future of single cup brewing is here.
Newco is helping its customers succeed – one cup at a time. For more than 40 years, it has pioneered brewing systems for coffee and tea that combine the latest technology and sleek styles.