Carrington Farms has just launched Organic Coconut Flour. The naturally gluten-free flour is low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, and your Paleo customers will be interested in this alternative to wheat flour for breading their chicken tenders, ground turkey cutlets or their cauliflower steaks. Coconut flour can also be substituted for up to 20 percent of the wheat flour in many baked goods.
Carrignton Farms Organic Coconut Flour is packaged in a 64-ounce resealable pouch that retails for about $13.99. The wholesale case is six pouches. It’s available to ship now.
Over the next few weeks, Carrington Farms will also be launching Ghee, Coconut Oil & Ghee Blend and Coconut Avocado Oil. The Organic Ghee Clarified Butter is gluten-free and dairy-free containing no casein, whey or lactose. Ghee is an ancient heart-healthy food that contains significant levels of Vitamin A, D and E as well as linoleic acid to help balance cholesterol levels. The clarified butter is also known to reduce inflammation and increase energy. The suggested retail price will be $14.99.
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The Organic Coconut Oil & Glee blend contains the same health benefits as the Organic Ghee Clarified Butter, with the addition of high levels of medium chain triglycerides (MCT) as a result of the coconut oil balance. The suggested retail price will be $12.99.
The Coconut Avocado Oil, a blend of two superfood oils, is a natural energy source, high in MCTs, and high in monosaturated fats, which are the beneficial and necessary fats needed in healthy diets. With a higher smoke point than most oils, the Coconut Avocado Oil remains liquid for convenience and is the tastier alternative to butter, canola, soybean, vegetable and olive oil. Its suggested retail price will be $10.99. See them all at Expo East.