B.O.S.S. Food Co. is repackaging three of its recently reformulated superfood bars to highlight key clinically-researched, functional ingredients in a playful way that instantly lets consumers know about each bar’s specific nutritional benefits, which include sports nutrition and energy, cognitive performance, and mood lift and focus. The new packaging and reformulated bars launched this year at Natural Products Expo West.
The new packages have a brightly-colored solid background with a somewhat retro feel, and each features a lighthearted illustration of the bar’s functional properties using key ingredients, according to Andrea Spirov, B.O.S.S. Founder and Chief Executive Officer. Prominent call-outs let consumers know the grams of protein and fiber each bar contains and that they have no added sugar.
To distinguish the flavors on the shelf, each is packaged in a different color: blue, yellow or magenta, in addition to artwork that quickly communicates each 1.7-ounce bar’s nutritional benefits, Spirov said. A cyclist wearing an almond “helmet” and whose bicycle wheels are raspberries illustrates the properties of the Move Fit Energy bar with functional ingredients selected for sports nutrition, workout fuel, post-workout recovery and energy without stimulants. The Think Brainpower bar for cognitive performance, attention and concentration features a light bulb with a walnut inside that also looks like a brain, and the Smile Upbeat Focus™ bar for mood lift and five-hour focus without caffeine has a banana slice with a smiling face.
“Our flavors have always been fruit dominant, and it we love seeing the star ingredients humanized, providing a connection between these nutritious, plant-based ingredients and the people who will benefit from them,” Spirov said. “There was a temptation to make a serious clinical package for these bars, but we want superfoods to be accessible to everyone.”
The reformulated bars are non-GMO, grain-free and paleo. They have no added sugars, 7 to 10 grams of complete vegan protein containing all 20 amino acids, 6 to 9 grams of prebiotic tapioca fiber and MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil, a beneficial fat associated with energy, feelings of satiety, athletic performance and brain health. Other researched ingredients include an ancient peat and apple extract clinically shown to build ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s own energy-boosting compound, spearmint extract clinically shown to help with multitasking and concentration and galanga extract for mental alertness and focus.
The reformulated bars will be available in the second quarter of this year. Suggested retail price for the 1.7-ounce bars is $2.99 to $3.99, and they ship 12 to a case and 144 to a master case. More information about B.O.S.S. is available by calling 800.344.8584 and at www.bossfoodco.com.